Since the 1930-1990s, Kotohilalang is a cultural center and also the center of Nagari Balingka government, because in Kotohilalang there is Tapian.
Tapian is the “Medan Nan Bapaneh” (open arena) where ninik mamak and penghulu-penghulu used to gather, discussing customary issues in nagari.
Now in Tapian, every night of the week there are art activities such as randai, dance and sports. In the past in Balingka, performing arts activities were carried out every year called Tonel art
“Tonel is a performing arts performance activity such as: rental dance, silek, randai, saluang, and others. Initially, the purpose of the tonel activity was to
finance a private school, namely Sekolah Taman Raya, then it was also an entertainment event for nomads and accommodated people,” said Fauzan, teacher and ustadz in Nagari Balingka.
In the days before television, the influence of Performing Arts was very strong here. After the proliferation of entertainment media such as television and satellite dishes, as well as the proliferation of private television programs from the 1990s until now, many people’s time and attention are drained by watching tivi, the performing arts culture in Balingka is slowly dimming.
“Saluang and randai art are quite famous in Kotohilalang and are known as Saluang Simarantang. Currently there are several heirs who are getting old, if this heir dies, then the saluang heirs in Balingka will run out, even if there are still experts who can perform Performing Arts in Balingka, are generations under the 80s. There are efforts from the community to preserve again, but hindered by funding constraints and future prospects for Arts and Culture no one has opened up,” explained Fauzan.
With the efforts to revive the Performing Arts in Balingka, it might be a motivation for the Balingka people to revive Batang
Tarandam (Buried Culture), especially reviving Minangkabau art and culture,” Fauzan hoped