Take a walk to the upper market, find Pisang Kapik typical of the city of Bukittinggi. This Bukittinggi kapik banana has a slightly different process, burned on charcoal coals or pieces of burnt coconut shells.
Named Pisang Kapik, because the unique way of making it is squeezed between two thin boards, so that the banana becomes round and flat.
After burning, it is squeezed and becomes flattened round, then spiked with grated coconut that has been processed with cooked brown sugar. The combination tastes sweet-sour, there is a sensation of burning charcoal smell and a slight legit astringent taste.
One of the typical snacks of Bukittinggi City can be found in the Pasar Atas area, one of the sellers of kapik bananas in the upper market is Ni Jun.
“Brown sugar in addition to providing sweetness can also make bananas durable when stored, can last two days”
“The price is cheap, with ten thousand money we can get three pieces”